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Duckhorn vineyard view at sunset

PJ Alviso - VP, Central Coast Winegrowing
February 19, 2016 | PJ Alviso - VP, Central Coast Winegrowing


We’re starting to hear reports of budbreak in some of the earliest varieties and areas in the North Coast. The warm weather we’ve experienced through February has definitely helped to push this along. Budbreak is extremely exciting as it signals the transition from the dormant season to the growing season. Once there is green plant tissue in the field, all sorts of activities begin to take place. The Farming Team will begin cultivation, which removes the cover crop and preserves soil moisture for the grape vines. We will also begin shoot thinning soon, during which we remove any extra shoots that will not bear fruit. Very soon we will also be able to get a look at how many clusters are on each shoot and thus get an idea of the overall crop size. There is a long way to go from here to harvest, but from this point on, every day counts!

budbreak - new harvest


Lauren Zimmerman's Gravatar
Lauren Zimmerman
@ Mar 7, 2016 at 8:56 AM
Wow, bud break in February! We just started our winter pruning here in Maryland.

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